Thursday, March 28, 2013

Haiku #352 - Badass Women: Yvette

Yvette is an actress, producer, and curator of this awesome hug blog!

one hug ev'ry day
or maybe six or seven
makes it all better

Monday, March 25, 2013

Haiku #350 - Badass Women: Cherie

Cherie, practicing one of her many talents

stage manage, play drums
take pics, make a mean cocktail
she can do it all

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Haiku #347 - Badass Women: Unknown

smiles into the wind
waiting for the bus to come
nothing keeps her down

I don't know who this lady was (so yes, this is kind of a voyeur pic), but her outfit caught my eye, and her free-spirited attitude. We exchanged a smile through the window as I ate my soup, and a couple minutes later, she and her silver boots climbed aboard the bus to whatever adventure awaited her next. I hope I'm as awesome as she when I'm her age.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Haiku #346 - Badass Women: Nat

Nat's and my iconic arm-wrestling moment from Nat & Kat's Adventures with the Time-Traveling Piano
we climb mountains on deadline
fire under my ass

Monday, March 11, 2013

Haiku #344 - Badass Women: Christina

Christina and me geeking out over earthquakes in San Jose while we were on tour last year 
she's often quiet
but if you know her, you know
she has a big voice

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Haiku #343 - Badass Women: Sarah

At our high school graduation with our buddy Dustin
Sarah's & my friendship predates digital photos, but I was dismayed to find that this is the only one of us of which I have a digital copy!
Need to document our next visit... 
been counting on her
since 1987
she's one you can trust

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Haiku #342 - Badass Women: Tamara

making a gingerbread house w/ big sister Tamara (right)
she stands out a bit
a tall blond woman speaking
fluent Japanese

Haiku #341 - Badass Women: Sarah Elizabeth Foster

Joline, left, and Sarah, right, in front of Sarah's Wall o' Powerful Women
We recorded Joline singing one of Sarah's songs in her studio
recording music
in a studio filled with
powerful women

Sarah has a 100 song project to inspire her next album - check it out here!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Haiku #340 - Badass Women: Mom

Mom, wearing my nephew's Gryffindor scarf at Christmas
keeps the plates and words spinning
big words and small plates

Friday, March 1, 2013

Haiku #339 - Badass Women: Erin

My college best friend, Erin, is simultaneously taking on the challenges of law school and motherhood.

to say at week's end
"I've given it all I've got"
that's satisfaction

Haiku #338 - So Simple, So True

Concluding February's love-themed haiku...

hang onto these words:
do not lose your faith in love
so simple, so true*

*tonight's haiku is in honor of/stolen from a song I really like by a band I really like, the Spring Standards. It's one of my go-to songs for melancholy days; I appreciate that it doesn't try to explain or reassure - just: don't lose faith. 

I also really like this song by the Spring Standards. The lyrics, esp the 2nd verse- internal rhymes and faint blasphemy!? Go listen, and buy their CDs so they can keep doing what they do, and I can catch them on tour sometime (I'm bummed I have a rehearsal scheduled during their one NYC gig this spring...)!